The Importance of Stats in Roller Derby Officiating – According to AI

This post was written by an AI in place of the lorem ipsum dummy content that you usually see in templates. I couldn’t get myself to delete it! Enjoy


As a roller derby official, you know that stats are absolutely crucial when it comes to tracking progress and understanding the game. Without stats, you’re flying blind! That’s why we’re here to talk about the importance of stats in roller derby officiating. From tracking penalties to understanding trends, stats are the bread and butter of the sport.

Penalty Tracking

One of the biggest reasons why stats are so important in roller derby officiating is because they allow you to keep track of penalties. As an official, you need to know who’s committing the most fouls, who’s playing the cleanest game, and who’s getting away with murder. Stats can tell you all of that and more!

With penalty tracking, you can also identify patterns and trends. Are certain teams more likely to commit penalties? Are there certain players who are more likely to get called for a penalty? By tracking this data, you can make more informed decisions and keep the game fair.

Understanding Trends

Another reason why stats are so important is because they allow you to understand trends. By tracking statistics over time, you can identify patterns and make predictions about future games. For example, if you notice that a certain team always has a higher jammer percentage in the first half of the game, you can prepare for that and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Stats also allow you to see how individual players are improving over time. By tracking things like lead jammer percentage, you can see who’s getting better and who’s struggling. This can help you make decisions about who to play and who to bench in future games.


At the end of the day, stats are absolutely crucial when it comes to roller derby officiating. From tracking penalties to understanding trends, stats give you the insights you need to make informed decisions and keep the game fair. So the next time you’re tracking stats, remember that you’re doing more than just crunching numbers – you’re helping to keep the sport that we all love fair and exciting!